108  Posts

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Olia Lialina – Net Artist

This first monograph of the international net art pioneer and New Media professor Olia Lialina allows us to (re)discover this always contemporary artistic practice, inviting us to plunge into the...


Mobile Medienschule Stuttgart Ost Starts Into the Second Project Year

With the “Film and Radio Studio”, the Merz Akademie is one of four locations of the Mobile Medienschule Stuttgart Ost (MoMO), even after one year of project duration. The focus...


The Journey of the Storks in the Course 3D Data Storytelling

In the course “3D Data Storytelling”, students in the field of new media deal with the basic design principles and techniques for presenting data in 3D and virtual/augmented reality (V/AR)....


Kevin B. Lee Starts Co-directing the Master’s Program

Professor Kevin B. Lee will begin co-directing the Master’s program Research in Art, Design and Media with Professor David Quigley in the fall of 2020. With his addition to the...


Emeritus Prof. Christoph Dreher

20 years professor at the Merz Akademie! In a corona-secure celebration at the end of the 2020 summer semester, the Merz Akademie bid farewell to Christoph Dreher, Professor of Film...


Farewell of the graduates of the (digital) summer semester 2020

On Saturday, 18 July 2020, the Bachelor and Master graduates were given a ceremonial farewell in the park by Vice Rector Maren Schmohl, Dean Peter Ott and Christopher Woods, representatives...


International Press Review for Olia Lialina

New Media Professor Olia Lialina is a pioneer of net art, whose work is currently receiving special attention. Virtual museum tours and zoom openings are booming, you can watch a...


New Media Professor Olia Lialina Exhibits in Berlin

With her work “Give me time/This page is no more” (2015-today), Olia Lialina, net artist and professor in the field of New Media, is part of the group exhibition “Journey...


New Media Students at the Open Culture VR-Hackathon

Next weekend (May 16-17, 2020) the VR hackathon of the initiative “Open Culture BW meets VR” of MFG Baden-Württemberg will take place completely online. Here, the participants, including 10 students...


Die Merz Akademie präsentiert VR/AR-Projekte bei der Online-GameZone 2020

Kreative Ideen in besonderen Zeiten: Das Internationale Trickfilm-Festival Stuttgart (ITFS) bietet allen Zuhausegebliebenen in Stuttgart und der ganzen Welt während der anhaltenden Corona-Krise ein digitales Festivalfeeling. Das ITFS präsentiert unter...