64  Posts

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Experimental Media with guest lecturer Andrew Norman Wilson

Merz Akademie welcomes the acclaimed American artist Andrew Norman Wilson, who teaches a new Crossmedia Publishing course “Experimental Media” in the Wintersemester. In this course the students deal with experimental methods and...


California Dreamin’ – an Internship in Los Angeles

Merz Akademie student Raphaela had decided to spend her internship abroad: I would also like to work abroad after completing my Bachelor’s degree and therefore wanted to use the time...


Welcome Breakfast

We welcome eight exchange students! At the welcome breakfast organized by our International Office, they got to know each other, the Merz Akademie and the General Students Committee in a...


Trademark: International

The DAAD’s annual statistics on the allocation of Erasmus+ funds prove this again this year: internationality is a top priority at the Merz Akademie. Based on the figures in itself,...


Scholars of the summer semester 2019

Congratulations to our students on their scholarships! With our first semesters in the bachelor’s program Marta Obukhova, Nadja Schmidle and Paul Schmidl, we are happy about a scholarship from the...


Mriganka Madhukaillya is DAAD visiting professor at Merz Akademie

Mriganka Madhukaillya is Assistant Professor at the Department of Design at the Institute of Technology (ITT) in Guwahati, India since 2005. He founded an interdisciplinary medialab within the Department of...


Studierende im Ausland: Ein Auslandssemester an der Hongik University

Durch eine ehemalige Kommilitonin, die ihr Auslandssemester auch in Südkorea verbracht hatte, ist Joel Petzold auf die Idee gekommen, sich an der Hongik University in Seoul zu bewerben. “Ein Grund...


Prorector Maren Schmohl Becomes Member of the Representative Board of ELIA

The General Assembly of ELIA, the network of Europe’s artistic universities, elected a new president and the members of the Representative Board on November 24 in Rotterdam. A new member...


Prof. Dr. Katja Diefenbach zu Gast an der Universität Utrecht

Prof. Dr. Katja Diefenbach wird am 23. November beim Symposium “Caring for the World. A conference on Ethos and Partisanship” an der Universität Utrecht eine Keynote mit dem Titel “Is...


Stipendiaten des Wintersemesters 2018/19

Wir freuen uns mit unseren Studierenden über vielfältige Stipendien! Unsere Bachelorstudentin Phoebe Ammon (Film und Video) erhält ein Deutschlandstipendium und über ein Förderkreisstipendium freuen sich unsere Masterstudierenden Florian Kaspar und...