<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600"; height="auto"; position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; src="https://ewscripps.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/ec05d7b/2147483647/strip/true/crop/1920x1080+0+0/resize/1920x1080!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fewscripps.brightspotcdn.com%2F06%2F62%2Ff2a8fd0f47e2922761dd18012d9c%2Fs110780573-1.JPG" class="css-9pa8cd">
<h3> Moon Hoax </h3>
You are intuitive person, interested in Space and interesting events! Have you seen Apollo 11's moon landing picture? How can the Stars and Stripes fly when there is no atmosphere on the moon? The surface of the moon is extremely hot, how can a camera take pictures? Why is there no star in the sky? Because that picture was taken on Earth, in a studio.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://www.nasa.gov">Meet others in your theory</a>]I'm not a racist, but sometimes some people seems to be superior to others.
[[true->Trump]] [[false->alien]]Do you believe in a hero, or the Messiah who tries hard to fighting back to great evil?
[[No->wg alien]]
Sometimes I can feel non-human beings hiding their identity and live around us.
[[Yes, I can->illu,q child]]
[[No, I don't->911,antiv,gw]]=><=
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are </h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DzXIi-9W0AE9Yuu?format=jpg&name=small" class="css-9pa8cd">
<h3>Flat earther!</h3>
You trust your senses and are interested in the world around you. Walking around on the planet's surface, it looks and feels flat. Nasa and other government must have orchestrarted all evidence, such as satellite photos of Earth as a sphere, to be fabrications of a "round Earth conspiracy".
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://www.nasa.gov/">Meet others in your theory</a>]=><=
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://i.imgflip.com/2u1yne.jpg">
<h3> Hollow Earth Hypothesis </h3>
Sometimes you get lost in a wild fantasy! Did you see the picture of a hole in the North Pole? It's the connection inside the Earth. There's the opposite world of the Sun, the core of the Earth. It is said that Nazi Germany's excellent science and technology came from insiders on earth. Have you ever heard the evil voice of an inner man on Earth? In addition to the North Pole and the South Pole, there are people who have seen the entrance in Paris, Hangzhou, and Amazon forests, so be careful.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://www.nasa.gov">Meet others in your theory</a>]=><=
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://www.liveabout.com/thmb/SPEIQcI4pUDwkyf350KT82mueMM=/500x375/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/global-warming-hoax-cold-56a754b03df78cf77294b089.jpg">
<h3> Global warming hoax </h3>
You who always seek practical reason! Did you know that the average surface temperature of the Earth has only risen by 0.9 degrees Celsius over the past 50 years? Polar bears are growing in population. The temperature of the earth changes originally. Supporters of global warming overestimate how much carbon dioxide has contributed to the rise in temperature. Scientists are just exaggerating the risks to get money for research.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://earth.org/data_visualization/the-evidence-for-global-warming/">Meet others in your theory</a>]
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://cdn.guff.com/site_2/media/32000/31918/items/b8182e0ff656b42ef4ed2739.jpg">
<h3> anti-vaccination </h3>
You worry about our children more than anyone else! Did you know that Corona 19 is a disease that the government deliberately spread to force vaccines? Vaccines are an infringement of my body and a forced sale by the lobby of a giant pharmaceutical company. Even a healthy child gets vaccinated and gets autism. Our children can grow up healthy without a vaccine.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://www.who.int/health-topics/vaccines-and-immunization?gclid=CjwKCAiA7939BRBMEiwA-hX5J6pw9NgQeiUyrz6_G5A5u7P8y52w8o2ozjqhVh26hU9m8yfjaYih5hoCvN8QAvD_BwE#tab=tab_1">Meet others in your theory</a>]=><=
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/74552377/miss-white-genocide-finland-2017.jpg">
<h3> White Genocide </h3>
Watch out! If you are white, you should know that other races are planning to genoside us. Our homes and jobs are threatened by refugees and immigrants. We shouldn't let them to take our places. Around 400,000 white South Africans lived in poverty and that thousands had been violently murdered since 2000.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://pulitzercenter.org/reporting/myth-white-genocide">Meet others in your theory</a>]
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of
<img style="-webkit-user-select: none;margin: auto;" src="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2018-08/1/17/asset/buzzfeed-prod-web-04/sub-buzz-28291-1533157687-2.png?output-quality=auto&output-format=auto&downsize=640:*">
The world is facing a crisis. That's because Biden, the deep-state's servant, pretends to be the president-elect. Raptillians need children's blood to enjoy eternal life, and Deepstate is trafficking our children to Raptillians. Trump is the Messiah who will save us from Deep state. Save the children! Where We Go One We Go All!
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://www.factcheck.org/issue/qanon/">Meet others in your theory</a>]=><=
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/05/Tourist_guy.jpg">
<h3> Truth of 9.11 </h3>
You are well aware of the duality of the U.S. government! Did you know that President Bush gains a lot from 9.11? In fact, the Bush administration had been on the sidelines before the 9/11 attacks. It's no surprise that Osama Bin Laden was backed by the CIA. Remember, JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com">Meet others in your theory</a>]=><=
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/elvis3.png?w=1240">
<h3> Elvis Presely alive theory </h3>
1977 is the year when Elvis Presley was known to have died. However he has been found alive at several different locations, aliv. He always was burdened with public interest in his life. Maybe that's why he still wants to hide his existance.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="https://www.facebook.com/Elvis-presley-fan-page-elvis-foreveryone-137840502951433/">Meet others in your theory</a>]
<div style="text-align : center;">
<h3>You are a person kind of</h3>
<img style="-webkit-user-select: margin : auto;" width="600" height="auto" src="//i.imgflip.com/1e964d.jpg">
<h3> Illuminati / New world Order </h3>
You're a sensitive person who knows what's hidden! UN, EU, NATO, IMF, and FBI... What do these devices have in common? That is, the name of organizations Iluminati ruled. Illuminati is made up of leptillians, and their is most pure reptile blood in the highest seat. There is a symbol of Illuminati hidden in everything you see, such as pop music, TV programs, movies, corporate logos, etc. They will not hesitate to mass murder of human to form a single world government.
(font:"helvetica")[<a href="http://screwloosechange.blogspot.com">Meet others in your theory</a>]After the tough project, you had 1 week vacation. You decide to go travel to
[[Somewhere nature -> picture]]
[[Big city ->Emotion/]]When try to watch movie in Netflix You make your choice usually because of
[[Who's in the cast to other thing->figure]]
[[genre/story of movie to cast members->Politics/social]]When you drink tea with milk, you pour
[[tea first.->What I see]]
[[milk first.->What I see]]When you wake up in the morning and eat cereal, you
[[pour cereal first.->What I see]]
[[pour milk first.->What I see]]You are looking at the menu of the restaurant. You have to decide your mind on food, you
[[decide right away if there is food appealing.->evil2]]
[[first, glance a whole menu.->Book taste]]Heading to your destination, you take out your camera to take a picture of impressive scenary. The scenery that touched you was
[[ocean->bookshelf3]]You found a book on the bookshelf. It has very interesting title, even can change your life. The title is
[[The secret of the New World Order->Cereal]]
[[An Invitation to The Great Awakening->Cereal]]
[[Pawns in the Game, FBI Edition->Cereal]]
[[Satan Prince of This World->Cereal]] You found a book on the bookshelf. It has very interesting title, even can change your life. The title is
[[The secret of the New world order->Tea]]
[[Q: An Invitation to The Great Awakening->Tea]]
[[Pawns in the Game, FBI Edition->Tea]]
[[Satan Prince of This World->Tea]]I'm not a racist, but sometimes some people seems to be superior to others.
[[true->Trump]] [[false->Truman Show]]If you wake up in the morning and read the newspaper, the side you usually read first is
[[politics->descrimination q, wd]]
[[social->alien]] I'm person more like to
[[Believe what I see with my eye->Fries]]
[[Stick into abstract concept and what's behind the object->movie]] You are driving on a deserted highway. Which Music comes out from your speakers?
[[Hymm -> descrimination-1]]
[[National Anthem->Truman Show]]
[[Vocaloid music->Truman Show]]
[[Atonal music->Truman Show]]
[[Baby shark->Truman Show]]
You are driving on a deserted highway. Which Music comes out from your speakers?
[[Hymm ->bookshelves]]
[[National Anthem->descrimination q, wd]]
[[Vocaloid music->alien]]
[[Atonal music->bookshelves]]
[[Baby shark->alien]]I'm person more like to
[[Believe what I see with my eye->Music2]]
[[Stick into abstract concept and think about what's behind the object->Fries]] Have you ever feel like you're Truman Burbank of a Truman show?
[[Not always, but usually->Menu]]
You decided to read in your free time. You are going to read
[[Nonfiction Essay from interesting point of view ->evil]]
[[Novel with intriguing ideas ->Hollow Earth Hypothesis]]
You prefer Pommes
[[with ketchap->Music]]
[[with mayo->Music]]
[[with milkshake->bookshelves]] Which of the following is the most evil?
[[NASA->flat earth]]
[[Government agency->alien]]
[[hypocritical cientists->Global warming hoax]]Which of the following is hiding the biggest secret?
[[hypocritical scientist->Global warming hoax]]
[[NASA->Moon landing conspiracy theories]]
[[US government->911 conspiracy ]] If your friend is sad about something, your first instinct is
[[to support them emotionally.->movie]]
[[try to solve their problem.->movie]]Thesedays, everyone is exposed to danger, but the children are in more danger than others.
[[Disagree->illu,q-1]] You are looking at the menu of the restaurant. You have to decide your mind on food, you
[[decide right away if there is food appealing.->911-1]]
[[first, glance a whole menu.->antiv,gw]]Sometimes I can feel non-human beings hiding their identity and live around us.
[[Yes, I can->white genocide]]
[[No, I don't->Illuminati]]The U.S. government is a hypocritical group to make sacrifices to maintain its regime.
[[agree->911 conspiracy ]]
[[disagree->antiv,gw]] Thesedays, everyone is exposed to danger, but the children are in more danger than others.
[[Agree->anti-vaccination ]]
[[Disagree->Global warming hoax]] Sometimes I can feel non-human beings hiding their identity and live around us.
[[Yes, I can->illu,q child]]
[[No, I don't->elvis pommes]]Do you think believe in a hero, or the Messiah who tries hard to solve our problems?
Have you ever feel like you're Truman Burbank of a Truman show?
[[Not always, but usually->illu,q]]You found a book on the bookshelf. It has very interesting title, even can change your life. The title is
[[The secret of the New World Order->alien]]
[[An Invitation to The Great Awakening->descrimination q, wd]]
[[Pawns in the Game, FBI Edition->alien]]
[[Satan Prince of This World->descrimination q, wd]] You prefer Fries
[[with ketchap->elvis-1]]
[[with mayo->elvis-1]]
[[with milkshake->elvis-1]] When I'm stressed out in my daily life, I feel like I want to go into hiding.
[[no->911,antiv,gw]] You are driving on a deserted highway. Which Music comes out from your speakers?
[[Rock and Roll->Elvis Presley alive theory]]
[[Classical Music->911,antiv,gw]]
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