VR Workshop: The Virtual Stage with Game Engine Unity 3D

Jörg Frohnmayer

Event Type

Info Event

Field of Study

New Media

Date & Location

Wed, 31 May 2023, 09:30–17:30

Related Links

The stage set is a designed scenic space, familiar from the theatre, which immerses the audience in a fictional world. It is usually classically divided into levels such as foreground, middle and background and thus creates a staged spatial situation in which the actors perform.

In the workshop, we will design an individual virtual stage with the game engine Unity 3D. You can bring sketches, pictures or 3D models that you want to integrate into your stage.

What will we learn?
We will look at how we can freeze images with simple means, integrate these images into Unity and create a virtual walk-in space. All participants will be able to take their space home digitally.

Create an account with a password for Unity 3d in advance (https://id.unity.com/) and bring it to the workshop. It is best to bring materials (sketches, photos, 3d models) that you want to use for your stage design.

Simply fill out the registration form and send it to studienberatung@merz-akademie.de.

Master Online Q&A Session – Research in Design, Art and Media

VR Workshop: The Virtual Stage with Game Engine Unity 3D