//Nachholtermin// Fluidity of Musical Materials

Event Type


Field of Study

Bachelor, Master

Date & Location

Tue, 10 Nov 2020, 14:00–18:00 –
Sat, 14 Nov 2020, 14:00–18:00

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Foto: Jessie Marino

Vortrag und praktischer Workshop im Rahmen der Reihe “The Short Now”

In this workshop, students will be asked to compose and perform works of “music” using atypical sound producing techniques or extra-musical materials. Extra-musical materials are defined as elements not specifically related to sound, which can be organized and manipulated in time, such as physical gesture, lighting, video, props, toys, everyday objects, etc. We will analyze historical examples of works which use these extra-musical materials in conjunction with tactics of temporal structuring to create bodies of work which are hard to pin down as purely “music”.

Students will learn techniques of traditional music composition and structured improvisation related to the development and manipulation of time and time-based structures and invites the use of software and hardware for live performance. Students will be asked to compose and perform original works in different configurations of solo and collaborative formats, culminating in a final live-performance, curated and designed by the entire class. This workshop will include studio time for cultivating, building, rehearsing and receiving feedback on their work. Previous technological or musical knowledge is not required. Willingness to make performativity a priority, to ask musical instruments to work harder and smarter than convention and to be thoughtful and communicative experimenters is a must!

Jessie Marino (Berlin) ist Komponistin, Performerin und Medienkünstlerin. In ihren Projekten arbeitet sie mit Sound, Video, Gesten, Licht und Inszenierung und setzt alle diese Elemente als musikalisches Material ein.

Da die Teilnehmer*innenzahl der Workshops begrenzt ist, bitten wir um Anmeldung  per E-Mail an: wirsching.hensche@hmdk-stuttgart.de

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