Film und Diskurs: Blick nach vorne. Die zukünftige Freiheit der Mobilität

Maria Mohr, Peter Ott

Event Type

Film Screening

Field of Study

Film and Video

Date & Location

Thu, 17 Oct 2024, 19:00–20:30

Related Links

Image: 2049ZuFrei

The film ‘The future freedom of mobility’ deals with the question of what possibilities and what freedom we will have in 2049 to move around locally and regionally.

What will our freedom look like in 2049, when the Basic Law celebrates its 100th birthday, in the face of the climate crisis? What forms of lived freedom will be possible? Students from the Merz Akademie, together with students from the University of Stuttgart and the Ludwigsburg University of Teacher Education, have explored this space of possibility in a co-creative exchange process with citizens of the hospital district and academics. This resulted in speculative documentary films about freedom practices from the year 2049.

Further speculative documentaries by students of the Merz Akademie will be shown in the four-part series ‘Film and Discourse’ in the Hospitalviertel until the end of November 2024.

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Science Year 2024.

Cooperation by: Internationales Zentrum für Kultur- und Technikforschung (IZKT) der Universität Stuttgart, Merz Akademie Hochschule für Gestaltung, Kunst und Medien, Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg, Forum Hospitalviertel e.V., Ev. Bildungszentrum Hospitalhof Stuttgart