Photography Workshop: Fascination Blurriness

Victor S. Brigola

Event Type

Info Event

Field of Study

Visual Communication

Date & Location

Thu, 27 Jul 2023, 10:00–18:00

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The photography workshop is all about blur: the fascination behind it and, of course, its skilful application. More concretely, it is about understanding how curiosity can be aroused in viewers through blurring in the image.

With Victor S. Brigola, workshop leader in the field of photography, we will move from theory to practice. You will learn what is meant by the term blur and what methods there are for using it as a design element. In practice, the whole thing is applied in order to photographically realise a common image motif in an individual way. In addition to photography, there will also be a short excursion into post-production.

There is nothing to bring, but plenty to take home: In addition to the experience gained, you can also take home the finished prints on photo paper.

Sign up for one or more workshops (limited number of participants). Cost per workshop: 10 EUR.

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