The program encourages students to call into question clichés and expand conventional boundaries about what extensions of reality might entail.

The program encourages students to call into question clichés and expand conventional boundaries about what extensions of reality might entail.
For Marshall McLuhan, the medium or any new technology is an “extension of ourselves” (Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964). The invention of clothing, the wheel, and written alphabets were for him all examples of such extensions. We follow this basic logic of media and their relationship to our bodies, to look at the questions raised by XR and by game design as not limited to the particularities of this or that new technological innovation. Our interaction with media and our fascination with games is part of our very being as humans.
It is important to think in such basic terms about our practice because in doing so we are able to look at it in its most fundamental immediacy. We like to talk about “extensions”, “augmentations”, and even about the “virtuality” of our practice, but in fact we are always talking about human experience and interaction.
Situated on the one hand between media and cultural theory and on the other hand with close contacts to other artistic and design practices, the program encourages students to call into question clichés and expand conventional boundaries about what these extensions of reality might entail – linking a very hands-on and practical approach to historical, philosophical, and political research.
Graduates of this program are able to pursue careers in game design, VR and AR development, as well as pursue academic research or careers as independent artists and designers.