Sharks, schools of silversides, and the rest
Dive with schools of fish, sense like a shark, discover the environment by drone, by foot, or by boat, and get a guided tour through a world of photos, videos and sound on the „Virtual Maldives“!
In this semester’s project of the collaboration between Merz Akademie and CASCB, art and design students worked together with scientists during 15 weeks to create a Virtual Reality exhibition of the “loopy loops and sharky sharks“ project, that explores the collective hunting strategies of blacktip reef sharks and the coordinated responses of fish schools in the coastal waters of the Maldivesand aims to provide new insights into the dynamics of these complex marine systems and their underlying behavioral mechanisms.
Involved People
Course leaders: Prof. Mario Doulis and Jörg Frohnmayer, Merz Akademie
Researchers: Angela Albi, Luke Costello, CASCB/University of Konstanz
Students: Zoé Kellermann, Karl Hartnigk, Lars Weber, Philipp Hinterkopf
Organization and Communication: Simone Strauf, Daniela Göpfrich, Elisabeth Böker, CASCB