Jenny Adams
Visual Communication
Produktdesignerin, Illustratorin
Sarah Affeld
Referentin der Hochschulleitung
Studien- und Qualitätsmanagement
Michael Baur
Film and Video
Sound engineer and music/audio producer. Lectures in postproduction and sound design and supports teaching and projects in the field of film and video.
Prof. Florian Bayer
Visual Communication
Hauptamtlicher Professor im Bereich Visuelle Kommunikation. Illustrator und Autor.
Nora Békés
Visual Communication
Prof. Joost Bottema
Visual Communication
Professor in the Field of Visual Communication. Graphic Designer, Author.
Victor S. Brigola
Visual Communication
Photographer. Supervises the photo studio, lectures in photographic technology and supports teaching and projects in the production of analogue and digital photographic works.
Ian Clewe
Visual Communication
Julia Cöllen
Film and Video
Nava Dannenhauer
New Media
Cordula Diebold
Visual Communication
Dipl. Designerin, Fotografie
Prof. Mario Doulis
New Media
Dr. Barbara M. Eggert
art historian, comics researcher, rector since 2023
Elisabeth Findeis
Film and Video
Actress, lecturer, author
Jörg Frohnmayer
New Media
Dipl. Designer and European Media Master of Arts.
Andreas Geiger
Film and Video
Stefan Grünenwald
Executive Director, Managing Director
Christian Günzler
Film and Video
Birgit Haasen
Head of International Office
Marcus Haffner
Visual Communication
Media Designer. Manages the Printlab, supports teaching and projects in print and Visual Communication.
Kexin Hao
Visual Communication
Melanie Harzendorf
Press and Public Relations
Joachim Herter
Visual Communication
Yvy Heußler
Visual Communication
Publications, Event Management, supports teaching in the field of Visual Communication.
Tobias Hönow
Visual Communication
Dipl. Kommunikationsdesigner
Isabel Huber
Koordination der Mobilen Medienschule Stuttgart Ost
Isabell Kiefhaber
Visual Communication
Prof. Dr. Ralf Kitzberger
Department of Theory
Since 2011 Honorary Professor in media and copyright law. Attorney at law.
Irina Koerdt
Visual Communication
Lars Lenhardt
Visual Communication
Screen printer, communication designer. Teaches screen printing and assists student projects with print production.
Julia Lenzmann
Visual Communication
Illustratorin, Künstlerin
Prof. Olia Lialina
New Media
Professor for New Media since 1999. Net Artist. Dean since 2023.
Manuel Minch
New Media
Künstler, Gründer und Kurator der "Internet Moon Gallery"
Prof. Maria Mohr
Film and Video
Hauptamtliche Professorin im Studienbereich Film und Video. Filmemacherin.
Irmela Nothdurft
Film and Video
Dipl.-Ing., lectures in digital montage and supports teaching and projects in the field of Film and Video.
Prof. Peter Ott
Film and Video
Professor for Film and Video since 2007.
Cedric Preier
Film and Video
Prof. Dr. David Quigley
Department of Theory, Master
Professor of Cultural Theory. Head of the Master Department.
Dr. Thomas Raab
Department of Theory
Sophie Charlotte Rieger
Film and Video
Journalistin, Speakerin und Drehbuchlektorin
Dr. Jürgen Riethmüller
Department of Theory
Since 2001 academic researcher in the field of cultural studies, cultural history and text.
Dirk Schäfer
Film and Video
Katja Schloz
Visual Communication
Dipl. Kommunikationsdesignerin
Volker Schrank
Visual Communication
Prof. Dr. Eckart Seith
Department of Theory
Stefan Silvestri
Visual Communication
Jörn Staeger
Film and Video
Diplom Designer, Filmemacher
Jasmin Stiegler
Dipl. Germ. (Univ.), Press and Public Relations
Anja Theilig
Referentin der Hochschulleitung, Datenschutzbeauftragte
Sanja Utech
Visual Communication
Ioanna Valavanis
Department of Theory
Kunsthistorikerin, Kuratorin
Prof. Anja Weber
Visual Communication
Photographer, Video Artist
Dr. Anke Zechner
Department of Theory