Since 1990, the Merz Akademie has been located in the Kulturpark Berg in a former military hospital. In 2015, the campus was expanded to include the building at Teckstraße 62, which now houses additional classrooms and two shared flats for students.
In addition, the Haus des Dokumentarfilms with Landesfilmsammlung Baden-Württemberg has also moved to the Merz Campus. Since September 2017, the Merz Berufskolleg für Grafik-Design has also been teaching here. In three years, the Merz Berufskolleg für Grafik-Design offers full-time instruction leading to the professional qualification “Staatlich geprüfte/r Grafik-Designer/in” and parallel to the Fachhochschulreife.
In the Kulturpark Berg, architecture and design offices, artists, advertising and PR agencies as well as the Stuttgart Film Winter Office provide a dynamic creative atmosphere close to Villa Berg and SWR.