New Media Students Develop Their Ideas in VISPA


The Solid White agency of our graduates Patrick Müller, Christian von Bock and Simon Walk developed a tool that enables companies to collaborate virtually in 3D space. Meetings, project presentations and much more can be held in this room.

How such an immersive workspace can also be used for teaching at universities, teachers and students of the study area New Media at the Merz Akademie in cooperation with Solid White have tried out and visualized their ideas in VISPA. They used the software as a creative space for the course “3D Data Storytelling”.

In this course the students learned the basic design principles and techniques for the representation and presentation of data in 3D and virtual reality. In addition to the creative aspects, the design of the context plays an important role. What is designed for what purpose and how? What is the “story” and how does the “telling” work?


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