Students Abroad: Excursion to Hydra

Mapping the Island Workshop

In the summer semester of 2023, our students traveled to the Greek island of Hydra as part of the theory project “For a new art academy… for a new Europe!” by Prof. Dr. David Quigley. The project took place in cooperation with the Athens School of Fine Art, the Hochschule für Künste Bremen and the Vilnius Academy of Arts.

Throughout the semester, students collaborated as a collective. Reading, writing, discussing but also drawing, filming, taking photographs, printing, designing…we will develop a new curriculum for a future art school that is to be constructed somewhere between utopian fantasy and the basic questions of organization and realization. After several virtual organizational meetings in which reading lists and initial ideas for the project and the excursion were exchanged, the founding meeting took place in April  at the Athens School of Fine Art Annex on Hydra. This excursion was made possible by an Erasmus+ grant within the Blended Intensive Program (BIP). This offers teachers and learners new and creative opportunities for international educational cooperation and participation in jointly designed courses.

Workshop Deep Breathing and Drawing.
Lecture by Olav Westphalen


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