Students Abroad: Excursion to Arles

Photobook designer Paul Spehr in conversation with Prof. Anja Weber and students (© Victor S. Brigola)

The “Rencontres de la Photographie” photography festival in Arles (France) was the destination for our students on their excursion as part of the “Photographic Disciplines” design course. From 3rd to 9th July 2023, they attended the festival with photography professor Anja Weber and photography lecturer Victor Brigola and visited numerous exhibitions together.

On the first day, they were given a guided tour through the exhibition of Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, where Prof Dr Marcel René Marburger and Dortmund Master’s students presented their photographic work. The week also included exclusive meetings with renowned photographers such as Peter Bialobrzeski and Werner Amann as well as book designer Paul Spehr and photo book publisher and gallery owner Angelika Hartmann. We are delighted that Werner Amann will be teaching the “Physicality” photography course during the workshop week and Peter Spehr the “Photography and Context / Editorial Practice” design course in WS 23/24.

“At the meetings, we had the opportunity to get to know the work of these experts better and to present our own semester projects. They took the time to answer our questions and give us valuable feedback on the photo books in our semester project,”

according to students Emily Zürn and Moritz Mauch.

In dialog with photographer Peter Bialobrzeski and Angelika Hartmann (Hartmann Projects) (© Victor S. Brigola)


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