Solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian universities


The Merz Akademie shares the ELIA statement strongly condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In particular, we also think of affected students, Alumni and guests of our university and their families,

Maren Schmohl, Rector of the Merz Akademie

Andrea B. Braidt, President ELIA, formulates the statement of solidarity:

ELIA, the globally connected European network of Higher Arts Education, sharply condemns the military aggression by Russia against Ukraine, a sovereign European state. We are saddened by the loss of life and human suffering inflicted by this unprovoked attack which has no place in the 21st century.

Our thoughts go out to the partners of ELIA members in Ukraine: arts universities and art academies, many of whom collaborate with ELIA members through the Erasmus+ exchange programme and other programmes that foster cultural and academic understanding. We are deeply concerned for the wellbeing of artists, students and academics in the arts and their families. Exchange, research and collaboration across borders can only flourish in freedom and peace.

Thousands of Ukrainian and Russian students, academics, artists and researchers in art practice are working together peacefully all over Europe. We stand by them in solidarity.




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