California Dreamin’ – an Internship in Los Angeles

Foto: privat, Raphaela Weihpratizky

Merz Akademie student Raphaela had decided to spend her internship abroad:

I would also like to work abroad after completing my Bachelor’s degree and therefore wanted to use the time to make as many contacts as possible, which I can then fall back on again.

While looking for an internship, Raphaela also searched the social media channels and came up with TIMES10.

I then sent them my portfolio directly and on the same day received a commitment for an internship in the media metropolis of Burbank, Los Angeles.

Foto: privat, Raphaela Weihpratizky

She was also involved in photo shootings and took care of the social media channels for various clients. But Raphaela also regularly produced video content for CEO Ben Ricciardi’s Instagram account with 800,000 followers: “Some of these videos received almost 1 million views, that’s surreal.”

But even while working as a photographer at film premieres or in her free time at the gym, she never missed an opportunity to make new contacts.


Foto: privat, Raphaela Weihpratizky
Foto: privat, Raphaela Weihpratizky


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