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Workshop week in winter semester 2022/23 – Impressions

During the workshop week in the winter semester 2022/23 from 24.10. to 28.10.2022 students could again choose from numerous interdisciplinary projects: 3D character animation Film montage in interaction with the...


Fellowship Students of the Winter Semester 2022/23

We are happy with our scholarship holders for their support! In the winter semester 2022/23, Ekaterina Gradoboeva will receive a Deutschlandstipendium. And Vincent Elsässer received a continuation of the Deutschlandstipendium...


Nina Vukovic wins C&A Design Studio Award 2022

Congratulations! Student Nina Vukovic wins the C&A Design Studio Award 2022, which includes prize money of 500 euros and two nights in a design hotel in Hamburg. The competition was...


Welcome! Exchange students in the winter semester 2022/23

Welcome to the Merz Akademie! We are pleased to welcome students from our partner universities: Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design and Technology, India, Willem de Kooning Academy, Netherlands, University...


Graduate Study 2022

The Merz Akademie is conducting a survey among its graduates as part of a cooperative project with over 60 other German universities (KOAB). This project is led and scientifically accompanied...


Liebe. Was uns bewegt. Landesausstellung mit Film von Studierenden

Der dritte Teil der Ausstellungstrilogie im Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg “Gier. Hass. Liebe” widmet sich dem schönsten aller Gefühle und fragt nach der gesellschaftlichen Wirkung von Liebe: Wie hilft sie...


Studierende im Ausland: Auslandssemester in Portugal und den Niederlanden

Covilha, Amsterdam und Rotterdam, das waren die Ziele unserer Studierenden Mohamed Dziri, Margarita Kosareva und Kristian Heck im Sommersemester 2022. Sie verbrachten jeweils ein Auslandsemester an unseren Partnerhochschulen Universidade de...


Prof. Mario Doulis visits Japanese universities

During his stay in Japan our New Media Professor Mario Doulis visited Prof. Dr. Yoshifumi Kitamura at his Interactive Content Design Lab at the Research Institute of Electrical Communication (RIEC)...


Support for Students from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus

The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM is a program of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation to promote the international exchange of qualified German and foreign students (outgoing and incoming). Due to the war in Ukraine, the...


Anja Weber will become Professor of Photography at the Merz Akademie

Renowned photographer Anja Weber will take over the professorship for photography in the Visual Communication program in the winter semester of 2022/23. For her, critical thinking and the understanding of...