Stipendien und Incomings im Wintersemester 2024/25
The International Office of the Merz Akademie was once again able to award many scholarships for semesters abroad for Merz Akademie students. We are also happy about the exchange students...
The International Office of the Merz Akademie was once again able to award many scholarships for semesters abroad for Merz Akademie students. We are also happy about the exchange students...
The Merz Akademie is conducting a survey among its graduates as part of a cooperative project with over 60 other German universities (KOAB). This project is led and scientifically accompanied...
Graduate Phoebe Ammon wins the Jury Screenplay Prize and the Audience Award at the Schleswig-Holstein Screenplay Prize. “Der Tag gehört uns” is the name of Phoebe’s screenplay, which she entered...
Thomas Poschauko ist, wie er auf seiner Website und der seines Bruders schreibt ein “multidisziplinär arbeitender Universal-Kreativer, der die Bereiche Freie Kunst, Design, Kreativforschung und akademische Lehre miteinander verbindet.” Im...
Impressions of the Stuttgart Comic Days – The Stuttgart Comic Days “ComicJuju” took place from Friday, 25.10. to Sunday, 27.10.2024. In cooperation with the Comic Days, students of the Merz...
Die neue Publikationsreihe der Merz Akademie edition orange startet mit Band 1: “Generative KI und die Künste: Eine kulturtheoretische Perspektive” von Theorie-Dozent und Autor Dr. Jürgen Riethmüller. Die Vorstellung des...
Im September 2024 finden zum 5. Mal die bundesweiten Dokumentarfilmtage LETsDOK statt. Baden-Württemberg ist dabei wieder ein starker Standort. In Freiburg, Marbach und Stuttgart werden Filme von Studierenden der Merz...
Merz Akademie students offer various exciting clubs that take place regularly at the university. All students are cordially invited to attend!
Victor S. Brigola travels a lot, both professionally and privately, but never without a camera. As a professional, experienced architectural photographer, he documents buildings on commission, but in his freelance...
Am Samstag, 13. Juli 2024 fand unser Sommerfest statt. Wir verabschiedeten unsere Bachelor- und Masterabsolvent*innen des Sommersemesters 2024. Die Abschlussausstellung der Absolvent*innen und die umfangreiche Werkschau mit Semesterprojekten, Gestaltungskursen und...