Trademark: International


The DAAD’s annual statistics on the allocation of Erasmus+ funds prove this again this year: internationality is a top priority at the Merz Akademie.

Based on the figures in itself, the university is once again in the top third of all artistic universities. If the list is sorted by size of university and number of students, it even occupies a top position.

“As part of Merz_International, international lecturers come to the university every semester for workshops and projects, and we can support many of them with Erasmus+,” explains Birgit Haasen, head of the International Office.

And that is not the only feature of the university’s strong internationality. All of Merz_International’s activities are expanding: Students go abroad for study and practical semesters, lecturers are invited worldwide for workshops and lectures, staff are trained abroad and maintain contacts with colleagues at partner universities and the popularity of the university among visiting students remains unbroken.

“The strong international dimension of studying at the Merz Akademie is a quality feature of the university; it enables students to make a wide variety of international contacts and experiences and contributes to a excellent education,” says Rector Martin Fritz.


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