Mriganka Madhukaillya is DAAD visiting professor at Merz Akademie


Mriganka Madhukaillya is Assistant Professor at the Department of Design at the Institute of Technology (ITT) in Guwahati, India since 2005. He founded an interdisciplinary medialab within the Department of Design for experiments with digital forms of design and learning in 2007. The main focus is on film, video, audio, new media, digital culture and technology. Within this collaborative environment for research and experimentation students have the opportunity to probe the creative use of media technologies. Madhukaillya brings this unique approach to the students of the bachelor and master program at Merz Akademie. Among the various lectures Madhukaillya will be teaching at the Merz Akademie, one seminar entitled “Expanded Classroom” will enable master students to discover (new) spaces for learning in museums, libraries, universities and other institutions for (artistic) research.

Mriganka Madhukaillya has received various awards for his artistic projects, i.e. including from the Art Spectrum Awards South Asia (2017) and from Ars Electronica Austria (2017). In their collaborations since 2004 as the Desire Machine Collective, Sonal Jain and Mriganka Madhukaillya employ film, video, photography, space and multimedia installations in their works. Their artworks have been exhibited at the Solomon Guggenheim Museum New York and the Deutsche Guggenheim Museum, Berlin.

Dr. David Quigley, professor of aesthetic theory and head of the master program notes:„I am happy that we were able to receive the DAAD grant for Mriganka Madhukaillya to teach at Merz Akademie. In addition to his many years of experience as a lecturer and artist, his experimental work and critical approach at the intersection between digital culture, technology and society is a ‘perfect fit’ for our university.”


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