Impressionen Abschluss 2024/25

Our graduates of the winter semester 2024/25 - congratulations!

On January 31, 2025, we bid farewell to our graduates at the Bachelor of Arts certificate ceremony. Congratulations, dear graduates of the winter semester 2024/25!

The ceremonial presentation of certificates by Dean Prof. Olia Lialina and Administrative Director Stefan Grünenwald took place at the graduation ceremony. Our Rector, Dr. Barbara M. Eggert, Prof. Olia Lialina and our AStA addressed greetings to the graduates.

At 7 pm, all interested parties were invited to the exhibition of the graduates and the students’ works. Prof. Mario Doulis started the New Media round at 7 pm and presented, among other things, the semester project “Sharks, silversides, and the rest”, which took place in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behavior at the University of Konstanz. The tour followed at 8 p.m. with Prof. Florian Bayer and Prof. Anja Weber, who presented projects from the Visual Communication department.

On Saturday, February 1, 2025, a guided tour took place at 2:30 pm. The final exhibition and work show on January 31 and February 1, 2025 were once again a highlight of the semester! It was great to see so many people celebrating with our graduates and students!

Laura Benner's thesis “I don't want to look like the rest of the city”.
Design kiosk of the Visual Communication department.
“The Magic Paper Club” semester project New Media + Visual Communication. Try it out, immerse yourself, experience it!


Stellenangebot: Professur Film und Video

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Graduate Jonas Stuckenbrock wins VES Award 2025

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Stipendien und Incomings im Wintersemester 2024/25

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