Professional Award at GIRLS GO MOVIE for graduate Iris Maier

Film poster "So ganz normal ist das ja nicht"

Congratulations! Our graduate Iris Maier wins the Professional Award at the “GIRLS GO MOVIE” short film festival in Mannheim for her impressive bachelor’s degree film at the Merz Akademie “So ganz normal ist das ja nicht”. The film deals with the mental health of young people.

“What young women share with us in their films, what concerns them, touches them, perhaps even frightens them, what encourages them and makes them who they are, is what GIRLS GO MOVIE is all about. The filmmakers address topics that get under the skin, that come from the reality of young women’s lives and are not always easy to consume.”

GIRLS GO MOVIE is a short film festival and film coaching project for girls and women* aged 12 to 27 who come from or live in Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz and Hessen. The festival has been held annually since 2004 and is organised by Stadtjugendring Mannheim e.V. – Jugendkulturzentrum forum and the City of Mannheim. Overview of all 2023 winners.

The 2023 winners of the 19th GIRLS GO MOVIE short film festival (© GIRLS GO MOVIE)


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