Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2014


Der Deutsche Entwicklerpreis 2014 für die “Beste Simulation” geht an das Stuttgarter Softwareunternehmen “Chasing Carrots KG”.

Unser Absolvent Patrick Tejada und seine Kollegen erhielten den Preis für ihr Abenteuer-Weltraumreise-Spiel “Cosmonautica”.


Prof. Mario Doulis research stay in Japan

February 21-22 2024, I stayed at RIEC to test the shared VR application MeetSpace (working title), that was partially carried out under the RIEC International Cooperative Research Project (ITL) “Physical...


ADC Talent Award 2023 in Gold und Silber

Herzliche Glückwünsche an unsere Absolventin Felina Russ und unsere Studentin Christina Rollny zu einem ADC Award in Gold und Silber! Felina erhielt für ihr Semesterprojekt “Internet, here is a musical...


Students Abroad: Excursion to Basel

In summersemester 2023, New Media professor and net artist Olia Lialina was on a excursion with students from her project course “Dress Code: Fashion an AI” to the HEK (Haus...


Workshop week in summer semester 2023 – Impressions

The exhibition and presentation at the end of the workshop week in the summer semester 2023 was once again super! Two courses presented themselves in our library, then we went...