Outstanding results for the Merz Akademie in the nationwide graduate study


As part of the cooperation project Graduate Study of ISTAT (Institute for Applied Statistics Kassel), in which the Merz Akademie regularly participates, the survey of graduates of the bachelor’s program “Design, Art and Media” took place again in fall/winter 2017.

All graduates of the year 2016 were surveyed, and around 50 universities throughout Germany took part in the survey, which involved writing to around 150,000 graduates from a wide range of study programmes and types of university per survey. The study is particularly valuable because it allows a comparison with graduates of universities of applied arts, universities and art colleges.

Decision for the Merz Akademie: Good reputation and own interests

Those who are interested in media-oriented design studies usually follow their own interests: Recommendations from parents or friends or family tradition hardly play a role. When deciding to study at the Merz Akademie, the good reputation of the university is decisive. The fact that interest in scientific work is higher than that of students at other universities also fits the profile of the Merz Akademie, where dealing with critical thinking and theory is an integral part of the curriculum.


All’s well that ends well: Professional success and satisfaction

As the data show, a solid university education is the best prerequisite for a good start in professional life. However, the question of whether one would choose the same university again is traditionally viewed critically by graduates, as the comparative results show. “Apparently, everything has simply been right for this class,” says Maren Schmohl happily. “The graduate survey always gives us good results, but this time it is a particular success for the teachers and all staff who work closely with students every day and support them in their careers.

The Merz Akademie mix of media competence, artistic experimentation, critical thinking and practical relevance is unusual and – as the survey shows – unusually successful.


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