Abschluss 2017/18 – Impressionen

Die Bachelor- und Masterabsolvent/innen des Wintersemesters 2017/18

Am 9. Februar fand die Abschlussfeier statt, schön wars!
Nach der feierlichen Urkundenübergabe durch Rektor Martin Fritz und Dekan Peter Ott  fand die Ausstellung unserer Bachelor- und Master-Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Wintersemesters am 9./10.2.2018 statt.

Unsere Masterabsolvent/innen des Wintersemesters 2017/18


Graduate Jonas Stuckenbrock wins VES Award 2025

The Visual Effects Society (VES) presented the VES Awards on February 11, 2025. The award for Best Lighting Composition went to Merz Akademie graduate Jonas Stuckenbrock, Karen Chang, Eugene Bondar...


Impressionen Abschluss 2024/25

On January 31, 2025, we bid farewell to our graduates at the Bachelor of Arts certificate ceremony. Congratulations, dear graduates of the winter semester 2024/25! The ceremonial presentation of certificates...


Stipendien und Incomings im Wintersemester 2024/25

The International Office of the Merz Akademie was once again able to award many scholarships for semesters abroad for Merz Akademie students. We are also happy about the exchange students...


Phoebe Ammon wins twice at the 2024 Screenplay Award

Graduate Phoebe Ammon wins the Jury Screenplay Prize and the Audience Award at the Schleswig-Holstein Screenplay Prize. “Der Tag gehört uns” is the name of Phoebe’s screenplay, which she entered...