Impressionen Abschluss 2024/25
On January 31, 2025, we bid farewell to our graduates at the Bachelor of Arts certificate ceremony. Congratulations, dear graduates of the winter semester 2024/25! The ceremonial presentation of certificates...
On January 31, 2025, we bid farewell to our graduates at the Bachelor of Arts certificate ceremony. Congratulations, dear graduates of the winter semester 2024/25! The ceremonial presentation of certificates...
Impressions of the Stuttgart Comic Days – The Stuttgart Comic Days “ComicJuju” took place from Friday, 25.10. to Sunday, 27.10.2024. In cooperation with the Comic Days, students of the Merz...
Victor S. Brigola travels a lot, both professionally and privately, but never without a camera. As a professional, experienced architectural photographer, he documents buildings on commission, but in his freelance...
Am Samstag, 13. Juli 2024 fand unser Sommerfest statt. Wir verabschiedeten unsere Bachelor- und Masterabsolvent*innen des Sommersemesters 2024. Die Abschlussausstellung der Absolvent*innen und die umfangreiche Werkschau mit Semesterprojekten, Gestaltungskursen und...
Congratulations, dear graduates of the winter semester 2023/24! On February 9, 2024, we said goodbye to our new Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts students. The ceremonial presentation of...
The Merz Akademie was present at the Superkraut Festival of the Stadtpalais Stuttgart with a screen printing station. At the Superkraut Festival from September 15 to 24, 2023, everything revolves...
The exhibition and presentation at the end of the workshop week in the summer semester 2023 was once again super! Two courses presented themselves in our library, then we went...
Der dritte Teil der Ausstellungstrilogie im Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg “Gier. Hass. Liebe” widmet sich dem schönsten aller Gefühle und fragt nach der gesellschaftlichen Wirkung von Liebe: Wie hilft sie...
30DEGREES celebrated their graduation on July 17, 2021. Congratulations on the academic degrees Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts! The ceremonial presentation of certificates by Rector Maren Schmohl took...