The Symposium

themapistheterritoryisthemap Symposium at Merz Akademie Stuttgart

The symposium is part of the research project „remediate II“ . Its focus was on the current debate and positions surrounding terms like territory, geopolitics, mapping, physical and digital localization of information in public space. How can we interpret phenomena that appear to be symptoms of the converging of digital culture and everyday world? What analytical framework does the digital occupation of real life places follow and who are the protagonists?

1 July 2016, 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm
With contributions by Egor Larichev (chief of exposition GULAG History Museum, Moscow), Ulf Treger (developer, Hamburg), Victor Zwimpfer (media theorist, Basel), Monica Studer / Christoph van den Berg (media artists, Basel), Tracy Rolling (Researcher, Berlin/Amsterdam), Isabel Arvers (media curator and -artist, Marseille), Holger Schulze (musicologist, Berlin/Kopenhagen), Aurélien Merceron (media artist, Brussels), Lucas Verweij (design critic, Rotterdam/Berlin).

2 July 2016, 9:00 am to 3 pm workshops for the speakers with Tracy Rolling and Lucas Verweij
Why should we map GULAG?
… from bird's-eye to street level.

Three different angles to map the city.
X = map|territory
What do we indicate when we make a distinction between map
and territory?
The Here, the Other Here and the Stag Beetle
Robot Cartographer
The End of Maps? Dream Territories, Standardized Territories
The Dynamically Spatialized Sensory Corpus
A Sensory Critique
Virtual Reality, an Interactive & Immersive tool
for data mining and mind mapping.

VR - Informed Body – Interactivity
Data & Maps